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Group-wide commitments

Crédit Agricole S.A.'s Diversity Policy is part of the Group's Societal Project. Crédit Agricole S.A. is committed to increasing gender diversity in all business lines and at all levels of the organisation by promoting inclusion and opposing all forms of discrimination.

Through this policy, Crédit Agricole S.A. intends to address all forms of diversity through initiatives based on five commitments: 


  • •  Equal opportunities: to give all employees the same opportunities to access positions, promotions and advantages on the basis of their skills and performance.
  • •  Openness and curiosity: to develop an interest in others, open up to differences, promote and understand the diversity policy and highlight its benefits to move ever faster towards an inclusive corporate culture.
  • •  Representativeness: to reflect constantly evolving clients and society, by taking into account a certain number of criteria (age, disability, gender etc.) in all business lines and throughout all levels of the organisation.
  • •  Solidarity: to place mutual support and collaboration at the heart of HR policies, through actions turned either towards the Group or towards society at large.
  • •  Responsibility: to make the promotion of diversity everyone’s business. 

Crédit Agricole S.A. is a signatory to the UN’s Global Compact since 2003 and France’s Diversity charter since 2008. The Group also signed the Women’s Empowerment Principles in 2022. These commitments in favour of diversity and inclusion, and against all forms of discrimination, are recalled in the Global Agreement, renewed in October 2023 for a term of four years.


Gender policy

Diversity forms an inherent part of Crédit Agricole Group’s DNA and as such, the Group guarantees fairness and the promotion of diversity to foster inclusion.

As part of its Ambitions 2025 MTP, Crédit Agricole S.A. expands its commitment in such a way as to further professional equality between men and women, in particular through the signature of agreements on topics such as equality in recruitment, training, promotion and remuneration, as well as work-life balance. A significant progression of women within the Executive Committee of Crédit Agricole S.A., from 6.5% in 2016 to 35.3% in 2023, should be highlighted.


Evolution of the share of women in the Group Executive Commitee of Crédit Agricole S.A.


In 2023 :


Cercle Potentielles

The "Cercle Potentielles", which brings together Crédit Agricole S.A.’s eight existing gender diversity networks in France, was officially launched on 29 June 2018, based on a charter signed jointly by the Cercle Potentielles and Crédit Agricole S.A.'s Executive Management in order to compound the impact of gender diversity initiatives. Click here to download the initial charter.

The Group strengthened its commitments towards gender balance by signing the Financielles Charter on 16 November 2021.


Gender equality index

The good marks obtained in the gender equality index, established by the French government in 2019 to calculate remuneration gaps between men and women at work, highlight the efficiency of actions implemented within the Group.

This year, based on 2023 data, all entities obtained a score of at least 84/100(1). Crédit Agricole S.A. UES (corporate entity) obtained a score of 97/100, up 6 points on 2022 (to find out more, please click here). Over half of the entities of Crédit Agricole S.A. improve their index score.

The information of each Group entity relating to their gender equality index is published on their website.

For the index of Crédit Agricole S.A. UES, click here.

(1) Those entities below 84/100 represent less than 2% of employees 


Rixain Law information

The Rixain Law establishes an obligation for fair representation of men and women in the executive positions of major corporations. It sets an objective of at least 30% of people of each gender amongst executive managers and leadership bodies by 1 March 2026. The calculation is based on the time spent, during the accounting year, by the Group’s men and women as executive managers or as members of a leadership body. 

The information of each Group entity relating to the Rixain Law is published on their website. For Crédit Agricole S.A. Entité Sociale data, click here.


International reach

At end 2023, Crédit Agricole S.A. employed 75,125 full-time employees (FTEs) in 46 countries. With over half its employees working outside France, the internationalisation of talent pools is of major importance for Crédit Agricole S.A. 

In 2023 :


of Crédit Agricole S.A. employees

work outside France



in which the Group operates



within the Group’s workforce


At end 2023, Crédit Agricole S.A. employed 75 125 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees and was present in 46 countries:

Répartition nationale et à l'international Infographie EN


Répartition par genre


At 31 December 2023, talent pools comprise 21% of international profiles.

Disability policy

Crédit Agricole S.A. has had a proactive disability policy in place since 2005, implemented through a succession of three-year disability agreements approved by the State and signed by Crédit Agricole S.A.’s staff representative bodies.

Negotiations carried out with the Crédit Agricole S.A. staff representative bodies led to the unanimous signing on 21 December 2022 of a seventh Group disability agreement for the period running from 2023 to 2025.

In this agreement, Crédit Agricole S.A. continues its commitment to equal rights and opportunities and to developing an increasingly inclusive culture within the Group, in line with the ambitions of the Group's Human-centric and Social Projects:

The areas of focus for the period 2023/2025 include both an ambitious qualitative objective for recruitment, which now includes work-study students, and a quantitative component built around several themes (new training for managers, end-of-career support, partnerships with higher education institutions, etc.).

For the first time at Group level, joint commitments have been entered into as regards disability until the end of 2025:

  • •  an employment rate for disabled persons within the Top 3 of the financial sector: thanks to the mobilisation of all Group entities since the first disability agreements in 2005, the direct employment rate of disabled persons has exceeded the 6% threshold of all Crédit Agricole Group employees at end 2022.
  • •  the completion of 600 recruitments over the period of the agreement

Lastly, the Group re-establishes its commitment towards disability worldwide: as part of its Global Agreement, the Group is committed to combating direct and indirect discrimination and to promoting the inclusion of disabled employees in all its subsidiaries. In line with this commitment, a first survey of practices regarding disability was conducted in subsidiaries worldwide. CA Italia posts an employment rate of disabled persons of over 6% at end 2023, and several entities have put internal charters in place.


In 2023:


rate of employment

of persons with disabilities for Crédit Agricole S.A. and its subsidiaries in France


employees with disabilities

within Crédit Agricole S.A. and its subsidiaries in France


Youth plan


Le plan Jeunesse

Employment is a main concern for active populations worldwide, and the employment of the younger generation dominates these concerns.

To this end, the Group has committed to a Youth Plan to collectively welcome and support the younger generations. With this plan, the Group aims to act as a bridge between the academic and professional worlds, and to reaffirm its ambition of acting as a responsible employer by actively taking part in inclusion, the provision of equal opportunities and the employment of young people, wherever they are.


Internships, work-study programmes, ICV & other youth contracts

In 2023, Crédit Agricole S.A. welcomed 3,929 work-study students and 3,408 interns.

Crédit Agricole S.A. also makes available International Corporate Volunteering contracts (ICV) throughout its establishments worldwide and its various specialised business lines.


In 2023:


work-study contracts

(Crédit Agricole S.A., France)



(Crédit Agricole S.A., France)



Mandatory corporate observation week for secondary pupils from high-priority education network schools


Since 2019, Crédit Agricole Group has been taking part in a national operation in France entitled “Mon stage de troisième”, which aims to offer high-quality corporate shadowing weeks to pupils from high-priority education network schools.

The Group’s ambition is to welcome 750 pupils every year (of which 300 within Crédit Agricole S.A.), i.e. 5% of the national objective allocated to private sector companies.

Crédit Agricole S.A. thus took on the responsibility of organising the roll-out of this commitment to its 12 main subsidiaries, with collective moments and the mobilisation of volunteer tutors to support students during their mandatory observation week.

A team was set up within the Human Resources Group to help support the subsidiaries’ HR teams and establish a welcome programme for the pupils, with the assistance of associations approved by the national program:


Viens Voir mon TafTous en stageUn Stage et Après


In 2023, a main topic was suggested by USEA on “sustainable careers”, in particular for those shadowing weeks carried out within the Paris area campuses of Montrouge and St Quentin en Yvelines. In line with the Group’s Societal Project ambitions and the tasks assigned to environment-dedicated class representatives (“éco-délégués”), workshops were conducted during the four internship promotions to raise the awareness of the pupils as regards sustainable development, their future and that of the planet. More broadly, each subsidiary alternates collective and one-on-one discussions with their tutors to guide the pupils in discovering professions and careers, all the while helping them to think about their professional future by taking into account that of society as a whole.


In 2023, 422 secondary pupils were welcomed within Crédit Agricole S.A. for their observation week.


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